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Date: Thu 4/12/08 8:16AM
From: Alle stasies "VV"

Message: Klink dit bekend? Ongelooflike ervaringe wat deurgemaak is en wat 'n beduidende impak op duisende gemaak het. Ons durf nie die geskiedenis vergeet of probeer uitvee nie - ons moet onthou. Thanks for a great site and all contributors!

Date: Sat 29/11/08 9:20PM
From: Sarge

Message: Keep up the good work and the history flowing! Let us never forget, and ensure that those who were never there always remember! We are the forgotten soldiers of South Africa, we ride so that those who are FORGOTTEN will be remembered!!

Date: Sat 29/11/08 3:07PM
From: Massimo Lupini

Message: I did basics at 11 commando A company in Kimberly 78/79. Border duty @ Enhanna, Elundu, Ogongo, Etale (old base) Okatope, Rundu and Rhodesia. I would like to hear from: Wessels Cilliers, Jack de Jager, Johnny Wolstenholme, John Andrew, Connie Ruiters, Scannies v. Antwerpen and any other infantry troops who were with us. Great site keep it up!

Date: Sat 29/11/08 12:34AM
From: Andrew

Message: I think that this is one of the most therapeutic websites I have ever read! It's good to read about the hard times and the indoctrination that took place. This website is the story being told!!

Date: Mon 10/11/08 6:41PM
From: Pete Holt

Message: Howzit guys! Great website! Thoroughly enjoyed seeing the pics of Sector 10 HQ, Ondangwa etc. What a kak place hey ? SA Catering Corps. July 85-87. What happened to Mac McKinney ? (Otherwise known as "Oh Great Bull Elephant, Onder Korporaal, Alan, I can drink more beer than any of you, MacKinney.) If anyone's in touch with him, please pass on a message for me. "Mac, it's your round !" Keep up the good work. Thanks. Pete

Date: Mon 10/11/08 4:00PM
From: David

Message: Thanks for the site! I was in Infantry School 80-81. Lt Anti-tank instructor in D Company (we were training guys on the Milan 89 and 106 recoiless) Specifically remembering the guys that died in Ops Protea. 30th Sept 1981 - I was being casavaced after a contact north of Cuamato - sent by chopper to an assembly point on the Cuneni - where a T34 was sunk - hitched a ride in a convoy going back to the States - Buffel in front of mine rolled - at least 4 guys not strapped in crushed and killed - helped with first aid until the helicopter arrived with Dr. Went then back to Oshivelo. Total waste - Bad day! Sad that so much of what has happened to us has been swept under the carpet of historical amnesia. Thanks for remembering...

Date: Sun 9/11/08 7:06AM
From: Andre Oberholzer

Message: Artillery skool. Sein 1984 -1985

Date: Thu 6/11/08 8:03PM
From: Jaco du Preez

Message: 8 SAI Alpha Bataljon Peleton 5 1982 - 1983 - Drywer.

Date: Thu 6/11/08 2:54PM
From: Flip van Wyk

Message: 81089583BG - 1SAI, 4SAI 1983-1984 at 61 Mech Served with guys like Alan Stiebel, Sean Doherty, Warren Grenfell, Keith Tomlinson

Date: Wed 5/11/08 11:51AM
From: soldier-boy

Message: 86 1 SAI - 87 61 Mech Bn -and then fought the BATTLE of battles in Angola in the shona grass lands. Ended up recon/first attack ratel driver after the loss of many driver and volunteered with about 15 other "not sure of coming back boys" still have plenty of photos and regularly look them through.

Date: Mon 3/11/08 11:30PM
From: Scott L Wilson

Message: Served 86-87 at 2SAI in platoon 7 with old Sgt Scheepers. trained with support coy then moved on to 55 Field Workshop at Rooikop. Want to get in touch with anyone who remembers me! This invitation is also extended to those serving with the C/Corps as I made a few pals there! great website! keep it up!

Date: Fri 31/10/08 2:30PM
From: Leon Stroebel

Message: Herman, uiteindelik nog 'n Pantser ou. Waar is al julle ander ouens wat opleiding gedoen het op die 90. My oorspronklike opleiding was nog op die Panhard 90 + 60 met die plat 4 silinder Franse enjin. Laat weet van jul wedervaringe. Op Zeerust het ons daardie enjins met Brasso skoongemaak en kon die enjinkoppe gebruik vir spieels. Groete aan al die ouens van 'n vergete era.

Date: Thu 30/10/08 5:18PM
From: Herman

Message: Ten years at 1SSB, the best unit with the best op history. Savanah/Askari/Protea etc I salute 1 SSB, the NSM 73-85 and I love and respect the Eland armoured car. I miss the times/people/places I salute you SSB IS TOPS!

Date: Thu 30/10/08 5:42AM
From: Ria du Plessis

Message: This was the nicest hour spent, reading all the remarks. Thanx! Was a '77 Soldoedie. Did basics in George, but served in Paymasters office in Presas, PTA [near PTA station.] Worked with PF pay, [76 77 nr's.] It was great and I loved every minute. Even going on orders, after the MPs that traveled with us on the train back from basics, decided that we had toooooo much fun, on the train with a lot of the guys from Oudtshoorn [going to PTA.] After warning us twice, did the "aankla"-thing. We all went on orders the Monday, got off with a warning because the Brig liked us. After all the formalities was done, had the chat: "how was it" So wę MPs! You had no fun and we have a stunning story to tell!

Date: Thu 16/10/08 9:20AM
From: Adelaine

Message: My brother was one of the soldiers that died in ANGOLA in 1986. His name was JJ JANSE VAN RENSBURG from 5SAI, home base was LADYSMITH before the border period. If anyone can remember something about that time, please email me. That was a very difficult time for our family and friends.

Date: Mon 6/10/08 2:34PM
From: Trevor Thorpe

Message: 77378172BG its funny how the number still comes back so easily 20+ years on. 5SAI 1981 to 1983 bravo company. living in europe its great to remember...thanks guys!

Date: Sat 4/10/08 12:04PM
From: R

Message: Johan Pieter Dunde Verster (an ex-matric friend, 1984, High School Oudtshoorn + Infantry School mate, 1985) allegedly stole a navy Namacura boat on 31 January 1986 from the naval base in Port Elizabeth. He and the boat were never found. Can any body perhaps give me more detail? Thanks!

Date: Fri 3/10/08 3:21PM
From: Colin Kenton

Message: 4th Field Artillery in 1974 - basics. SWA 1978 with NFA. The photo's bring back memories of great friends and how young we all were

Date: Fri 26/9/08 7:07PM
From: R

Message: Thank you very much for solders / role models like Sergeant Major Lategan (E-Coy ? Inf. School - 85) now in Durban. We salute you al was jy so 'n bedonnerde riller. Thanks a million! From R (85-87 Inf. School + 6SAI+101).

Date: Tue 23/9/08 1:03PM
From: Arno Swanepoel

Message: 81230740 hoe kan ons daai dae vergeet was n ops medic van 84 tot 89 in sektor 70 of hoe het julle ons genoem tampax tiffies lol, is trots om deel te gewees het van die SAW dit sal nooit weer dieselfde wees nie en daar is net 1 vlag die oranje blanje blou ONS VIR JOU SUID AFRIKA


This website about the South African Defence Force is a tribute to all who served in the SADF, and a reminder to those who have long since forgotten ...