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Date: Tue 19/12/06 2:28PM
Email: rmccarthy@pennypinchers.co.za
Message: Hi guys to all you sappers who spent time in 2 Field and Oshakati I was impressed to find Carl Koekermoer on the web page. We did basics at 2 Field and then off to SWA Sec 10. I am still in the army reserves RSM of 3 Field Eng Reg Cape Town. Those were the days. If there is a sapper who has a photo of Bravo taken in Bethlehem 2 Field 85 / 86 put it on the web! Well guys it's the good old days we will never forget .For those of you who did do time in sec 10 Oshakati I was in charge of the pbs and keeping the base clean besides all the things we sappers did. I worked close with RSM K Neethling Cpt Meers Maj Botha ..... Good old days! Cheers! Sapper R R McCarthy (smiley /pora/ mac ) Remember when we were reved at 3 am and had to go out and look for doverts??
Date: Thu 14/12/06 10:43AM
From: Remo
Email: zapper-1988@hotmail.com
Message: 88260724BG. AA Youngfield basics. 61 Mech 89-90. After Nambia, we were used mainly for counter insurgency. Those experiences shaped the men we became. 15 Years later the memories are still crystal clear.
Date: Wed 13/12/06 8:18AM
From: David Grant
Email: david@grant6565.fslife.co.uk
Message: 1988 intake. basics in grahamstown, then punishment at 2SDB zeerust. Cpt Dik Hattingh was a nutcase.
Date: Sun 10/12/06 7:37AM
From: Francois Snyman
Email: wrs@wetlands.co.za
Message: Interesting reading.Was in SAP Firearm Unit,Jozini(1987-1993).Worked areas on Mozambique border as well as Kwa-Zulu homelands.Recovered many F/Arms handed to SDU's as mentioned in your article under SADF links.Keep up a good site!
Date: Fri 1/12/06 9:14PM
From: JLB
Email: seebrommer@yahoo.co.uk
Message: 82433343BT 1984 tot 85 Diensplig, kampe tot 1990.Dankie vir die nagedagtenis. Ons het baie verloor vir niks...
Date: Mon 27/11/06 9:05PM
From: Dave
Email: davidjh.harrison@btinternet.com
Message: 82535980BG, Jan 84 intake, 8 SAI. Section Leader, Platoon 5. Spent 15 months in Sector 10 - Etale, Okalongo and Oshakati. Beacon 16 experience was the most memorable, especially when we were "revved" at 03:00 early in 85. Now we hopefully have the maturity and life experience to not want to experience war again.
Date: Mon 27/11/06 8:45PM
From: Jed Mol
Email: jedmol@mweb.co.za
Message: My uncle was PF. Thanks for giving me a place to honour his memory.
Date: Mon 20/11/06 3:40PM
From: Mike Morgan
Email: morgan@xis.co.za
Message: 1975 intake 2SAIBnGp, B Coy Walvis Bay . Based at Calueque from August 1975 and then ops Savannah until December. Can't believe that it's over 30 years ago now. Keep up the good work.
Date: Mon 20/11/06 13:10PM
From: Keith Patterson
Email: kp@clicks.co.za
Message: Great site. Served called up for basics at 1 Para Bn July 75 and after basics moved to 6 SAI, Grahamstown.Based Calueque and surrounds Nov '75 to Mar 76. Also at Epupa and Ovamboland 1976. Very little info available on this period. Names I can recall - 1 Para Bn - Sgt. Maj Moller, Staff Sakkie, Cpl Lynch, Ronnie Els (he made you vasbyt), Lt. Wylie, Kallie Joubert, Kevin Foot, Noel Knickelbine, Benji Woods, George Barnes, Mario Simone. From 6 SAI, Cpl Grant, Cpl De Klerk (Spy), Percy Webb, Beets, Luiters, Kevin Morrow, Cordier, Fivaz, Cronje, Venter from PE. I have some photos. Will dig them out and send them in. Cheers Keith
Date: Mon 20/11/06 8:24AM
From: Jeff Rendulic
Email: droid@telkomsa.net
Message: 73460628bt 1ssb 1975 great site, but where are all the oldies from ops savanna best year of my life that I don't want again but with the guys I did it with, I'll do it again. joined rmr afterwards and met a great bunch of guys
Date: Fri 17/11/06 12:06AM
From: Eddie Wesselo
Email: eddie@wesselo.co.za
Message: Spent many happy times with 32 Btn, 52 Btn, 51 Btn and others. Esprit de corps was great and we had the most amazing defence force. Loyalty and honesty were the keywords not to speak of discipline which was superb. Had 45 years of voluntary service.
Date: Fri 12/11/06 4:10PM
From: Anton Otto
Email: antonbloubul@yahoo.com
Message: I attended the 25th anniversary of operation Smokeshell at 1 SAI Bn last year, it was absolutely wonderful to meet real soldiers with Col Cassie. We would like to have more of the soldiers that served with A coy during the ops to attend the anniversary. I would appreciate it if you could contact me to start the planning for next year.
Date: Mon 8/11/06 8:59PM
From: Jacques Burger
Email: calonda64@yahoo.com
Message: I was in 1SAI 1982 and 4SAI 1983. B-Coy Pl 1 Charlie Section. Would like to make contact with the ouens who served in PL 1. Please contact me on e-mail. Cheers!
Date: Mon 6/11/06 1:54PM
From: Mark Barwood
Email: m.barwood@rogers.com
Message: Great site mate. 1 SAI 87- 4 SAI -88. Hectic, hectic times. One of the best sites I've been to.
Date: Thu 2/11/06 11:37PM
From: Basil Bradshaw
Email: basil_bradshaw@yahoo.com
Message: 83 to 84 with 10 AA Regt,Bdr. Youngsfield.7LLA for Camps. Cuito Caunavale being the high-light, Ops Hooper and Packer.The best time of my life. I wish my kid's can do what i did. clp oudshorn. osikati pf
Date: Thu 2/11/06 8:17PM
From: Maarten Starreveld
Email: maarten@odysseylife.co.za
Message: 83 to 84 with 10 AA Regt,Bdr. Youngsfield.7LLA for Camps. Cuito Caunavale being the high-light, Ops Hooper and Packer.
Date: Wed 1/11/06 10:47AM
From: Dirk Mostert
Email: dmostert@fnb.co.za
Message: Was op Youngsfield 84 - 85 en meeste can 85 op Ongwediva. Die beste deel van my lewe, waar is daai tye. Ons vir jou!!!
Date: Mon 30/10/06 6:15PM
From: L-CPL Zig Lorimer
Email: alan@dsf.co.za
Message: 75585638BG - Volunteered for 9 months--got 2years. Wanted engineers--got maintenace unit driver. Lost my second stripe the day I got it. spent the night in the 5SAI Kas with one of my troops--no pass books. Great memories never die--Sterkte Manne.
Date: Fri 27/10/06 5:22PM
From: Selwyn Lotzof
Email: slotzof@aol.com
Message: I was in the last of the 9mnths 1970 VTH. 1 Sigs; DHQ Sigs (sien manne is mien manne). I still remember it all and CPT/Major Dalton. Kan julle die Min Dae Trein hoor? Who would have believed it would all end this way!
Date: Fri 27/10/06 1:13PM
From: Dave Burger
Email: dbu22297@bigpond.net.au
Message: Great stuff.Served Jan '83 - Dec'84.81140873BG, still as clear in my memory as the day i first laid eyes on it.