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Date: Thu 26/10/06 2:46PM
From: Martyn
Email: martyn@studiochase.com
Message: Thanks for making the best site on the web for us old soldiers that served. It good to know that it was not all for nothing and that someone is making an effort to remember.
Date: Thu 26/10/06 11:53AM
From: Hardus Visser
Email: hardusvisser@hotmail.com
Message: This is one of the best sites if not the best I came across.thanx for giving me a better knowlege of how it was is the SADF...
Date: Sun 22/10/06 10:40AM
From: Robert Romans
Email: rbrtromans@yahoo.co.uk
Message: 74544503BG - Great site. 6SAI from 79-83 D Coy 81mm Mortars. Ondongwa Onkonkolo Eehnana Smokeshell. Our platoon Sgt was Noel Graves and Sect Leader Angus Buchanan What a life and some fantastic memories.
Date: Tue 18/10/06 11:27AM
From: Giuseppe Ricci
Email: Giuseppe.ricci@capetown.gov.za
Message: 67436980BV: Excellent site ! Basics at 10 AA Youngsfield in '69, 7LAA Regt and I am still at it with Cape Garrison Artillery. First Border camp during the '78 Turnhalle elections, Paddy was still a Lute then, last visit to Sector 10 during 'Ops Aggro'. ! Hope to see and hear from more Gunners. Giuseppe Ricci.
Date: Mon 17/10/06 8:37PM
From: Leon de Jonge
Email: Fatgardenboy@yahoo.co.uk
Message: Vir Volk en Vaderland...Beste vriende gehad..Broers en al
Date: Mon 17/10/06 7:38PM
From: Charles Smith
Email: charles@hpesa.com
Message: Great site. 81-83 7sai. B-Company ( Die Fokken Band ) Beste tye van ons lewe. As daar nog ouens is van daai inname laat bietjie weet van julle self. Grensdiens was Miershoop, Okankolo, Okatopi, Ongiva, Oshakati. Ek kan vandag nog nie daai trompet speel nie.Sal fotos stuur.
Date: Mon 17/10/06 5:17AM
From: Antonio Bichi
Email: antonio.bichi@gilbarco.com
Message: Great site, the memories came flooding back. The good ones and all the others. Thank you for taking the time to setup this website.
Date: Mon 17/10/06 1:55AM
From: Wayne Martin
Email: pikke@bellsouth.net
Message: 82466533 BG wow. so many memories come flooding back. one very interesting website. 2 of the best years and 2 of the worst years of my life all in one.
Date: Sun 16/10/06 1:38PM
From: Paul Milton
Email: pmilton@ukzn.ac.za
Message: 82306549 BG - Brought back some good & bad memories. I will never forget my two years national service. Thanks for great site and keep our memories safe.
Date: Wed 12/10/06 12:41AM
From: Bruce Strachan
Email: brucestrachan@onetel.com
Message: There is a new 8 SAI website at which Clint Poisson and I have been working on. Check it out and if you have any old photos, documents or anything petaining to 8 SAI, make yourself a member and upload all your goodies!
Date: Tue 11/10/06 8:27PM
From: CPL Sean Brown
Email: seanmbrown@btinternet.com
Message: 82355868BG Brought back good and bad/sad memories.We must never forget those who served and gave there lives. Was in 1SDB/SSB IN BLOEM. Lekker bly makkers.
Date: Tue 11/10/06 3:22PM
From: Julian
Email: juliandegoede@yahoo.com
Message: Brilliant site, I never did service but really wanted to but by the time I was finished school things had changed so much it wouldn`t have been worth while. It seems as though we have lost a piece of our souls with the service gone. I think the future that remains looks bleak however our strenght held us together before.
Date: Tue 11/10/06 3:05PM
From: Bruce Strachan
Email: brucestrachan@onetel.com
Message: Fantastic site!! I did Basics in in '83 - Echo Company - 8 SAI under Sgt. Addo ("Het julle my!") Van Zyl. Then on to Oudtshoorn. Looking to make contact with Clive van Oudtshoorn, Ian de Waal and any guys from that time. I am living in the UK.
Date: Tue 11/10/06 1:59PM
From: Buurman
Email: gerrit@rigwell.co.za
Message: 76276047 : Youngsfield/ Regiment Vaalrivier, Oshakati, Cuito Carnavale. Tye wat van 'n seun 'n man gemaak het en toe 'n volwasse .......
Date: Mon 10/10/06 8:42AM
From: ZJ Swanepoel
Email: swanepoel.j@telkomsa.net
Message: 69402444. Ek kan nie glo dat ek steeds my magsnommer onthou nie. Het begin in 1972 by 3SAI. 1ste grensdiens M'Patcha daardie jaar en daarna 3 maande kampe grensdiens feitlik elke jaar saam met Regement Louw Wepener tot 1979. Groete swannie
Date: Sun 9/10/06 6:28PM
From: Dale
Email: sa-soldier@mixmox.com
Message: great site... My SADF story can be read at http://sadf.mixmox.com Cheers Dale
Date: Sun 9/10/06 10:02AM
From: Clint Poisson
Email: poissonclint@yahoo.co.uk
Message: Excellent website! One of the best SADF tribute websites I have seen in a while! Keep up the great work! I've started a new website relating to 8 SAI Mechanised Infantry Battalion. I am looking for any photos or info from former 8 SAI troops to get the website going! Regards, Clint
Date: Fri 7/10/06 5:05PM
From: Dirk Benneyworth
Email: dirk@camdata.uk.com
Message: Great site! I served with 1SAI in 1987 and 4SAI in 88 and took part in Operation Hooper. It is important to have this site so that our story will always remain told and strong. Keep up the great work. Regards, Dirk 84327212BG
Date: Thu 5/10/06 12:03PM
From: Peter Moulder
Email: wgtn_lni@lycos.com
Message: Been thinking a lot recently about my 2 years "diens" in "NAM" with 8SAI (Upington) 1985-1986. Haven't found a lot on the net until now so will be using your site as a reference. Will add a blog entry from my diaries of those times and post it here. Would love to hear from other "8SAI'ers" from that time and get photos from those who have them: Riemvasmaak, Upington etc...
Date: Mon 2/10/06 11:18AM
From: Neil Fairall
Email: natal.sharks@yahoo.co.uk
Message: What a fantastic site. it has been so good looking through. I did my national service in Bethlehem in 1975 and went on to serve for the next ten years. first in the engineers then with another unit. now live in the Uk keep this up guys...never forget.