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Date: Sun 30/7/06 8:03AM
From: Vaughn Cross
Email: goldenhomes_wa@yahoo.com.au
Message: To all the unsung HEROS...........I salute you... No slow March will bring back our "maaitjies" No experience ahead will make us forget, but let us a band of "BROTHERS" say.....WE DID IT.....
Date: Sun 23/7/06 12:31AM
From: Kobus Delport
Email: chako@magicmail.co.za
Message: Great site. Ek wil weet of iemand my pa Johan 'Kalahari' Delport geken het. Hy was in die vroee 80's op die SWA en Angola grens as enige iemand stories het oor hom sal ek dit waardeer. Dankie
Date: Sat 22/7/06 9:07AM
From: Marco Chella
Email: marcochella@ntlworld.com
Message: great site brings back alot of memories my intake was 85-87 , 8SAI Upington if anybody was in that intake give me a shout. I now serve in the British army.
Date: Wed 19/7/06 10:15PM
From: Paul Sabino
Email: paulogill@telkomsa.net
Message: stumbled across the site looking for Ratel foto; well done, guys; basics at Rooikop Walvis Bay Jan 87, 1 SAI? later had it easy, with special signals 16 months Oshakati till Dec 88. If Savimbi / Unita had been in power in Angola, politics in SA would have been more to the center, and not a onesided disaster. A number of units were pre selected for Israel duty, and now it seems armagedeon is getting closer!
Date: Mon 17/7/06 5:33AM
From: Craig
Email: simpson@kisser.net.au
Message: Howzit. Great site. The past returns. I was with the South African Army Corps of Engineers 22 field Bethlehem during 1983 and 1984. 82597352 BG. LCPL. I now live in Australia (Marine Engineer)
Date: Thu 13/7/06 5:31AM
From: Drew Chaney
Email: drewchaney@yahoo.co.uk
Message: COMOPS / PSYOPS: Howzit Guys - I am looking for information, contacts or possible photos of psychological operations actions i.e. loudspeaker operations, leaflet drops, groundshout / skyshout ops, deception operations and the like. Interested in Comops with PB's internally within townships and examples of leaflets, propaganda etc. Please get hold of me. Great site. Drew -Sydney, Australia
Date: Mon 10/7/06 11:35AM
From: Martin Vorster
Email: fenriswulf@mweb.co.za
Message: 84545698BG - My time was 87-88, 5 SAI, Assault Pioneers. Lost touch with all but 1 buddy. Lots of Township duty, then Border, Ogongo, Napara, Sector 2 Zero. Did ALL my Camps afterwards....Crazy !! Any buddies out there?
Date: Sun 9/7/06 8:46AM
From: Chris Theunissen
Email: ctheunissen@fnb.co.za
Message: 77395291BG. Great site with lots of memories. I served in SA Air Force (Penguin ... Only one in a thousand flew) as a "doggie". Served in Grootfontein and 11AD, Cape Town. A time I will never forget !!
Date: Tue 4/7/06 2:47PM
From: Stuart Brown
Email: stuart@rupertsbikeinn.co.za
Message: Hi great site, did my time 78-80, Jan intake 4sai middelburg. Old memories long suppressed resurfaced good & bad. Any old 4sai buddies out there.
Date: Tue 4/7/06 9:55AM
From: Danny Loughlin
Email: saracenfv603@utvinternet.com
Message: Hi great site, need more like this one, also can anyone help me with pics or info on alvis saracen apcs used in the south african army, I am restoring one and would be grateful for any thing, unit markings etc, many thanks. 9-11-01 never forget
Date: Tue 4/7/06 9:43AM
From: Daniel Oosthuizen
Email: sonop27@hotmail.com
Message: I have to say that every visit to this guest book fills me with emotion. It is like revisiting old family members!! Once a Bokkop always a Bokkop. The unsung heros of the bush war!
Date: Fri 30/6/06 6:29PM
From: Carl Koekemoer
Email: carma5@telkomsa.net
Message: The photos of Grant Alexander remind me of training @ 2 Field and border duty @ 25 Field. Grant, if you can remember the nickname "MOUSE" then we were in the same unit and so were Ryle, Klubbe, Parker etc. I need to know if there are any sappers that did service @ 25 field Eng Regiment Oshakati Dec 85-86 that was in bravo-troep?
Date: Fri 23/6/06 10:00AM
From: Allan Fraser
Email: mineralman@telkomsa.net
Message: 75300129BG. To all my friends that where in Genieskool, Kroonstad with me 1982-83. I have lost touch with David Farquarhson and Andre Veenhuis. Our 2 years had a profound and lasting impact on all of us.
Date: Mon 12/6/06 8:47AM
From: Kevin Pfister
Email: kcpfister@gmail.com
Message: 84532712BG School of Armour 87 & 88. Seeing the photos brings back many fond memories. Was on convoys for 3 months with MAN tank transporters as convoy guard. We went from BLOEM to LOHATLA and transported new tanks to OMATIYA 61MECH BAT. My friend PAUL BEUKES from HILLCREST was driver. Went on 2 trips and to 4VRP near Pretoria. A dear friend OPS medic RAYMOND JAGGA was killed up on border. He was an only child and such a decent bloke. I miss the ORANGE WHITE AND BLUE, cheers to all other troopers who served!
Date: Mon 5/6/06 7:24PM
From: Clive Emmerson
Email: buckets@futurenet.co.za
Message: Thanks for a great site. Served Jan - March 83 at 10 Ack Ack then April - June 83 at SA Sysk then June 83 to Dec 84 at Buffalo Base 32 Battalion. 81418485BT
Date: Sat 3/6/06 9:59AM
From: Paul Du Preez
Email: paul@greytown.co.za
Message: 87367629BG. First of all this is a fantastic site. Well done! I was called up in 89 and did basics at Army Gym, but decided running around with a radio wasn't for me. Went to Provost school and was the sent to Provost Unit Lohatla. Really great times were had there and I have great memories of the place. Any other guys out there remember S/Sgt Mojavia and Sgt Major Greef? I Klaared out and then joined the SAPS talk about a sucker for punishment. Spent 11 years in the force with the Tugela Ferry Firearm unit and then Murder and Robbery. I have now opted for what one could call a normal life. I still get a lump in my throat every time I see or hear a Puma fly by, don’t you?
Date: Fri 2/6/06 10:00AM
From: Paul Grobler
Email: paul.grobler1@kumbaresources.com
Message: Brilliant site! Was in the force for 18 years. Need to hear from others that were in Technical Training Centre [Tiffies] from 1977. Basic training as appies
Date: Sat 28/5/06 4:13PM
From: Dave
Email: ymecat@btinternet.com
Message: Hi all, what a Great site!!!!! I spent 18months on the border in 1979-1980, was on many operations including Smokeshell. I am looking for a book that was published in the early 80's called "Border Strike". I had a copy that I lent to somebody, for the life of me I cannot remember who, and never saw it again. If anybody knows the whereabouts of a copy that I can purchase I would be pleased to hear from them.
Date: Fri 26/5/06 10:29AM
From: Peter Bolton
Email: peter@boltonp.fsbusiness.co.uk
Message: Hi JD - what a great site! - reckon I am one of the original 1SAI Banzai guys - 70527296 - when it was based in Oudtshoorn & The famous Pep Van Zyl was C.S.M - HQ Coy where I served in Mortar Platoon. Then to Durban Regt and with SWA/ SPEC COINOPS / Bn 52 in 1978/9 . great pictures & incredible stories. No matter what your politics are/were, serving in the SADF was a life changing experience. It would be brilliant surprise if any old 1SAI / Dbn Rgt guys popped up again ... Paul Prinsloo, Huey etc.
Date: Thu 25/5/06 8:41AM
From: Albert Cornelissen
Email: albert@firefly.co.za
Message: 78429404 - Well done! Nice site! Best I have seen so far. Anybody here from 10 anti aircraft 1980 - 1981? Please mail me.