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Date: Mon 28/4/14 6:43AM
From: terry blackburn(blackie)
Email: terrenceblackburn@yahoo.co.uk
Message: trying to locate deon van der merwe - lived in sidwell port elizabeth - please get in touch, terry
Date: Fri 25/4/14 4:43AM
From: terry blackburn(blackie)
Email: terrenceblackburn@yahoo.co.uk
Message: Just discovered this site and what memories it brings back I was in SWA , walvis bay in 1972 and did my stint on the caprivi strip ..what times known as blackie - anyone out there
Date: Thu 24/4/14 7:43AM
From: Donald Healey
Email: donaldmh@ihug.co.nz
Message: Hi mates! I just found this website and boy oh boy does it bring back memories. I was a FEB 88 intake that landed up in SWA. First in Grootfontein and then with 63Mech until demob in 89
Date: Mon 21/4/14 7:43AM
From: Rudi Van de Reep
Email: vandereepr@gmail.com
Message: 3 SAI 1980 - 1981 Okatopi, Mahaneng, Ombalantu. OperationProtea, Delta Company
Date: Sun 29/4/14 1:43AM
From: Charmaine Monthe
Email: groblercharmaine@gmail.com
Message: I am family of Lodewyk Hulme mentioned by you as one of the "ou manne" while you were a "roof". Kindly contact me. Regards, Charmaine
Date: Fri 17/4/14 8:43AM
From: John Mutch
Email: mutchj@gmail.com
Message: 811627860BG 5SAI 83-85 Who spent time in DB in pretoria for anything i believe Rooibard is still going strong somewhere in Northern province
Date: Fri 17/4/14 5:43AM
From: Leon van Zyl
Email: leonvanzyl69@gmail.com
Message: Ek was in 6SAI bravo kompanie 1983-1985.Dit is onvergeetlik en ek sal wat wou gee om van onder andere van peleton 3 se mense te hoor.Ek het n paar fotos,baie min.Ek was ook van die wat al my kampe moes doen en sou oorgaan na 12dae kampe by wesrand kommando toe dit gestop word.Daar was onaangename maar ook goeie tye-ondervinding en avontuur-regtig geleer hoe om te kuier sonder ophou innie army.Hulle het mos gese:Join the army,go to interesting places,meet interesting people,and kill them.Voorspoed met hierdie kwaai site!
Date: Wed 15/4/14 9:43AM
From: Cassie Havenga
Email: cassieh@i4u.co.za
Message: I was at 4 SAI platoon 2 delta company section 2 in 1980/1981 in Middelburg I am looking for army mates Chris Le Grange and Willie Ueckermann and Johaan Pretorious .
Date: Mon 11/3/14 10:17AM
From: Willem Steenkamp
Email: steenkampw@mweb.co.za
Message: I am flattered by your description of SA's Border War! I bust my gut writing the whole thing in nine months, but it has stood the test of time and now, to my surprise, has become a collector's item. The good news is that it will soon be published in a new edition by Helion Publishers and will be available in SA. Any buyer living in or visiting Cape Town is welcome to give me a shout if they want me to autograph it.
Date: Mon 2/3/14 10:17AM
From: David Vos
Email: david@steenbokpan.co.za
Message: My diensjaar was Julie 1976 tot 1977. 8 SAI Upington. Riemvasmaak, Oshovelu, Okhalongo, Okongwati & Grens diens Desember. 1977 tot 1978 Reg Springs. Ruacana, Napara, Opupa, Katima Mulilo ens. Het diens gedoen saam J.A.S Oberholzer, C Vergintini, Willem Niemand, Fanie Nortje, Giep van Eden, Dries... Is opsoek na enige iemand wat saam my daar was. Gebruik die mail adres: marindavos12@gmail.com Laat weet asb as julle enige kontakte of nuus het!
Date: Mon 23/2/14 7:43AM
Email: jebcat90@gmail.co.za
Message: i served in the s.a.d.f. and would like to get in touch with vernon hager who served with me at 112bn madimbo
Date: Mon 18/2/14 5:43AM
From: jose delima
Email: josedelima66@gmail.com
Message: i served with 8sai 85 to 87 . 85549798bg
Date: Sat 16/2/14 3:43AM
From: Steve Clements
Email: steveclements@telkomsa.net
Message: 5sai 1981 to 1983. Joe Liebenberg I also remember Boucher and Young. We were in the same platoon
Date: Thu 14/2/14 7:43AM
From: Louis Herbst
Email: jamielahaq@telkomsa.net
Message: Ek was in 3 Sai 1985 tot 1986, soek na my maaitjies Jakes Jacobs, Willem Meyer, Bennie Jordaan. Stuur my n epos, en ook aan almal wat my ken, maak Kontak.
Date: Wed 13/2/14 9:43AM
From: Lodewyk Greyling
Email: lodgreyling@gmail.com
Message: Ek is Loddie Greyling 73244931BC , Jan 1976 inname, basies in 11 Kommando, Kimberely gedoen, toe JL's op Infanterieskool Oudtshoorn gedoen. 2 de Luitenant geword in Des 76, gepos na 6 SAI , Grahamstad. Grensdiens met 6 SAI op Eenhana tot April 1977. Ek is op soek na 'n kopie van die foto v/d 1976 Brassband van Infanterieskool. Ek het sydromme gespeel saam met Daan Landman. Sammejoor Doppies Kotze was die band master.
Date: Wed 13/2/14 6:43AM
From: 82275223 BG Cpl, Wardle
Email: wardle2066@gmail.com
Message: Cool site. Pity, our story will be lost to political propaganda. I will remember for those who choose not to,
Date: Mon 12/2/14 7:44AM
From: Willem De Beer
Email: debeerwillem57@gmail.com
Message: Hallo My Naam is Willem De Beer(Willie) Ek was in 7SAI 1975 in Bravo Company Platoon 6 en is opsoek na seksie leier Victor en na Morgan en Bok ( Bren Gunner) sommer almal wat saam my in platoon 6 was my Cell nommer is 071 644 5022 enige informasie van daai tyd is ook welkom Groete
Date: Mon 12/2/14 7:43AM
From: robin nicolls
Email: robbieplaya@gmail.com
Message: hi guys....i served 87-88..8sai upington...84532936bt...miss those days at okatopi and ondangwa 54 sector 10...the cold nights at riemvasmaaak and riots in kwazikeli new brighton PE...to my friends who served with me in alpha company platoon 4...hope ur all grt....my cell number is 074 566 0418...if u remember the days we spent in angola and the lonely nights missing our girlfriends..lol...contact me god bless u all
Date: Mon 28/10/13 10:09AM
From: Charmaine
Email: charmjvre@iburst.co.za
Message: I am looking for Johan H Kruger. He was in Oshakati Sector 10 1982 - 1986. Permanent Force. I am not sure if he passed his major course in 1985 /86. I know he had a brother who stayed in Klein Windhoek. He was at the time between the age of 28 and 32. Any info. please email me. Thank you