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Date: Wed 9/11/05 6:17AM
From: Trompie Terblanche

Message: 5 SAI July 1980, Ops Protea, sal graag van die manne wil kontak maak van die tyd. Was in Bravo Komp. Lekker site laat n ou terug dink aan die lekker en sleg "BESTE TWEE JAAR WAT EK NIE WEER WIL DOEN NIE". Het kontak met Giel Bester was pl mortier pl 1 Bravo Komp was.

Date: Tue 8/11/05 9:25AM
From: WDW

Message: Great work! Good memories. Looking for a song/poem they played on Troepieversoeke in the 78/79 era : WAIT. russian poem read by male. HELP buddies!

Date: Fri 4/11/05 2:46PM
From: Nico Mouton

Message: Lekker site, was 'n bietjie later as julle in die weermag - 1992 Infanterie Skool - Bravo Comp Pel 2 en toe later Ondersteunings Vleuel. Ek is opsoek na enige valskerm toerusting en uniforms en enige recce items!

Date: Wed 2/11/05 11:57AM
From: Johan Swart

Message: Nice to be among "family" again. I served as a signalman with 61 Meg BN from '86-'87. Took part in ops Modular My Ratel callsign was Zero Charlie. A real shame to see what is left of a world class defence force. Cheers!

Date: Tue 1/11/05 7:45AM
From: Sigmund Storm

Message: Nice site! I was a Jan. '84 intake at Special forces and served at Infantry School and Oshivello as an Instructor. Spent 3 years in the SADF. As the famous song says: "Those were the best days of my life"

Date: Mon 31/10/05 12:52PM
From: Johan Sonnekus

Message: Hi Simon, dis 'n Piele storie. Ek was ook 'n Korporaal saam met Simon by Bossiesspruit & Oshakati, 1983 - 1984. Sal dit nooit vergeet of verruil.

Date: Sun 30/10/05 6:46PM
From: Barnie Basson

Message: Thanks for a very interresting webpage. Brought back good and bad momories. Did basics with Simon Hare at 22 Field Sqaudron in Bethlehem. We were in Bravo Troop if I Could remember correctly with Corpral Bodenstein. After basics I went to 21 Field Squadron and Simon to School of Engineers In Kroonstad.

Date: Sun 30/10/05 5:33PM
From: Cobus Booysen

Message: Hi, a lot of bad memories, but more good memories of comerado and "vasbyt min dae vir SWAPO". I've enjoyed all the stories on this site. 1981 - 61 Meg Battalion

Date: Sun 23/10/05 2:45PM
From: Hennie Claasen

Message: Lekker interessante stories en fotos. Weet iemand iets van die SP Wag 1977 tot 1978?

Date: Fri 21/10/05 9:20AM
From: Andrew Wilmot

Message: Now this brings back memories of my time at 1 SAI and MLW from 1987 until 1988. Great site guys.

Date: Sat 15/10/05 9:00PM
From: Kpl Anton Louw

Message: 8 SAI 83-84 Grensdiens Oshigambo en Nkongo. Deel van ops ASKARI. Waar is al die manne van seksie 1 pel 1?

Date: Wed 11/9/05 7:13PM
From: Russel Louw

Message: I served with 8SAI between 1981-1983 in Upington. Platoon 1 BRAVO Company. Border duty Oshivello, Ongongo, Okolongo. Anybody who served during this time with me I would like to hear from you guys.

Date: Sun 11/9/05 2:32PM
From: Grant Alexander

Message: Howzit James, your site keeps getting better. Thanks for the hard work

Date: Mon 29/8/05 11:12AM
From: F Pieterse

Message: Thanks for the great site! Bring goeie en slegte herhinneringe terug. Ek was 82 in 1SAI, 83 in 4SAI sowel as 61/62meg op die grens. Deelgeneem in Ops Dolfyn en Askari se begin. Hartseer en skokkend om te weet hoe die nuwe SANDF nou lyk!

Date: Wed 24/7/05 8:48PM
From: Andrew Hampson

Message: Anything associated with the State President's Guard would be appreciated. Thanks.

Date: Fri 1/7/05 4:44PM
From: Catherine

Message: Thank you for this super site. Been looking everywhere for decent info on the SADF. Found info relating to JLs (among other things) very helpful. Thank you once again!

Date: Sat 25/6/05 8:03PM
From: Boris Isfort

Message: Hallo James, endlich mal ruhe und Zeit für deine Story. Echt gelungen. Klasse.

Date: Thu 23/6/05 10:34PM
From: Martin Usher

Message: Great site, been looking for old buddies from 523TP,seems very difficult!

Date: Thu 2/6/05 1:05AM
From: Ettiene Cronje

Message: Hey guys. Son of CPL J.I.L Cronje from 6 SAI here. He serverd from 1972-1979. He also served in 52Bn/1 Ovambo and took part in Ops Reindeer. If anybody thinks he might remember/know him please contact me. He is desperately looking for some people. Will be a great help! Thanks!

Date: Sun 27/5/05 1:23AM
From: J.C. Meintjes

Message: This is a great site. I do have fond memories of the army. I did my training in 1SAI Tempe Bloem in 1986 and my 2nd year I was in South West Africa 61 mechanised brigade. Greetings J.C.Meintjes


This website about the South African Defence Force is a tribute to all who served in the SADF, and a reminder to those who have long since forgotten ...