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Date: Mon 27/10/13 7:17PM
From: Trevor Wildman

Message: Basics at 5 SAI May 1968 and then Durban Regiment 1969 until March 1980 did 2 stints in Ovamboland and many other camps on Mozambique and Zimbabwe borders I really enjoyed the time as it was a great feeling belonging to one of the best Defence forces in the world now an old fart living in the UK

Date: Mon 22/10/13 7:09AM
From: Andre vorster

Message: Hi i were in 8sai in 1993 those were the days i was in alpha company. Any guys that were in alpha company .91493601bg.

Date: Sat 11/9/13 12:22AM
From: Wayne Rossouw

Message: Hi to all I did my intake from Jan 86 - Dec 87. Served my second year(Dec86-Dec87) with 32BN AT at Buffalo Base and took part in Ops Modular. Let's keep the memories and history alive for many generation to come. Salute and Respect to all members.

Date: Sun 11/10/13 8:14AM
From: Michiel van Schoor

Message: Sktr 6332616 Het basiese opleiding te Durban-suid kommando gedoen.Daarna jaarlikse kampe vir 9 jaar.Enigiemand van Durban-suid??

Date: Sat 11/16/13 11:59AM
From: Andy

Message: Thank you for this amazing memory trip! Respect! Andy Evans SA Int Corps (Ou man in the real sense of the word)

Date: Wed 12/11/13 3:57PM
From: Martin Vermeulen

Message: 81352825 BT - Thanks for the site!!! Too much forgotten, but more to remember!!! Can we organise a reunion in respect of the BOYS!! I know it will be very well attended!! Marty 082 4500347

Date: Wed 12/18/13 2:21PM
From: Gordon

Message: Thank for the friends in the difficult times during ops!

Date: Fri 12/20/13 12:46PM
From: Marius Carelse

Message: Baie great website!!! Het baie verlange en memories terug gebring. Dankie en doe so voort! 77401925BG

Date: Sun 12/29/13 3:16PM
From: o/kpl jassen(f-coy)

Message: ek het gejoin 1987 by 1 sakk bn. was darem van die laastes wat grensdiens verrig het voor resolusie 435 met die onttrekking uit suidwes. dit is nou memories wat nie uitgewis kan word nie. those were the days huh... instrukteurs sers plaatjies, sers fritz, sers jordaan sers lodewyk, kpl bosman, kpl moses, kpl sekoe, sers symons, joh allie moervreters. maar hulle het manne van ons gemaak. ja, how i wish to see all the places again like okankolo where we build an underground bungalow, nepara with wo1 Bengal where we build our own pool, die shandeleer pad na kongo, eenhana, Oshivello wa die pismotte ons so natgepis het, o ja en Ondangwa. dem laat ek maar liewer stilbly. Nice website. keep it up

Date: Mon 9/4/13 7:42AM
From: Warren Hardwick

Message: 2 SAI BNGP A COY PLT 4 1985 / 1986

Date: Mon 9/8/13 9:37AM
From: Mark Craig

Message: Former RSM in South African Engineer Corps. All sappers welcome to look in at and look for friends. I have also highlighted this site on my forums. Good luck to all of you and stay safe.

Date: Mon 9/15/13 7:05AM
From: Daniel RUDOLPH (RUDY)

Message: Hi ek was in 5sai ladysmith echo camp palt3 in 1986-1987 ons het n harde tyd gehad toe ons in die weermag was ek glo ons was heros in ons tyd almal wat in diens van die sandf was wat op die grens diens ge doen het was heros glo ek da was hartseer tye en lag tye maar ons het dit gemaak DANK DIE VADER

Date: Tue 9/16/13 6:43AM
From: Piet Lourens

Message: Ons kry seker almal een of ander tyd heimwee oor Wamboland.Daar is 'n paar manne wat my by bly soos MAJ. G V Nel, Kapt. van Gent, Sers.Mak Moer Venter soos ons hulle geken het.(1982-1985) Ek het 'n paar foto's wat ek graag so wou deel. Kameras was verbied maar dit wat nie beslag op gele is nie het dit gemaak tot in die States.Ek sal baie graag met mense soos Jan Swart Danie Nienhaber Lappies Gert Human Hein Prinsloo Wayne Rosewille (Snottie)Piere du Preeze en George Senekal Kontak wou maak ASB manne laat daadie herinering ons hart laat bly warm klop dit was goeie tye wat op die regte tyd van ons lewens gekom het.Ons is nie so sleg af as wat ons dink nie.Tye het verander ons is genootsaak om saam die stroom ook te trek. Groete.

Date: Thu 9/18/13 10:54AM
From: lance johnson

Message: 1980-82 tiffi grootfontein 101 workshop BIKE SHOP now living usa

Date: Fri 9/19/13 11:47AM
From: Andre Swart

Message: 74424326BT - Hi fellow soldiers; I would love to have a cold one or two with Para 77 - 78 intake; Good times we don't want over again. I am planning to visit Cape Canopy and Laarsa to meet some of the old vets' Take Care,

Date: Mon 9/30/13 12:09AM

Message: I was at 5 SAI Ladysmith, Natl during 1978 -80 any body out their that was part of training etc,I was charlie company

Date: Sun 10/4/13 3:05PM
From: norman frost

Message: 1SSB from July 1975 to December 1976. Eland driver. Grootfontein,Rundu,Oshikango Last 6 months in Windhoek.

Date: Tue 10/6/13 11:35AM
From: Dick Wheeler

Message: Fellow soldiers, 1976-77, School of Armour, 1SSB A-Sqd, Contact no 0846815786. would like to make contact. We were part of one helluva fine force

Date: Thu 10/15/13 1:09AM
From: Koos Snyman (Cobus)

Message: 78499217 BG/BT. Het my diensplig begin in Jan 1980 4SAI. Ek was Infantrie skool toe. Foxtrot peleton 8. Ek het my enkel beskadig met fasbyt en is terug na 4 SAI, B kompanie peleton 1. Na al die opleiding is oorgeplaas na SAAF, 14 dae voor my grens trip. Baie ongelukkig gewees daaroor. Was by 28 eskader LMB Waterkloof. Grensdiens gedoen vir 6 maande op LMB Ondangwa van Jan 1981 tot Jun 1981. Beste tyd in die army ooit. Was een van die ongelukkiges wie se nommer nooit weggeraak het nie en al my kampe gedoen, 7 jaar lank. Sal enige fotos van daardie tyd waardeer. Myne het alles weggeraak.

Date: Sun 3/17/13 8:12PM
From: j c heyneke

Message: 5 sai ladysmith natal, loved my two years, looking for old buddies like b p h du plessis spikkels ronnie venter anybody who mite know them e-mail me tx


This website about the South African Defence Force is a tribute to all who served in the SADF, and a reminder to those who have long since forgotten ...